Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hey all! I have been really busy with.. hmmm... watching friends. HAHAHA! I got home, I do my stuff.. then i watch friends.. was kinda addicted to it until i had a wake up call. Then kinda control myself from being controlled by the show.

Something happened in office today. Got scolded for nothing! Vulgarities right onto my face. Because he jumped into conclusion that I didnt do the job. But I did the job, its just that a person with itchy finger open the box out of curiosity then broke the seal and never lock it the box. And SO, I got scolded for that. 

As my mind and thoughts start to roll, I found a reason for him to do this to me. The reason is that he don't trust me. IF he does, he will say, 'Hey, the box is opened. Who opened it?' INSTEAD OF, "Larry! *&^!@(!@(#*@ since when did I *#&@( tell you to put a seal on the box and lock it?!"

Shouldnt go deep into this. sensitive stuff. 

My mum is not putting an effort to sleep early. sigh~

Luke9:23- Then he said to them all," If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me"

Philippians3:8- What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake i have lost all things. I consider than rubbish, that I may gain Christ


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