Today I went to the bank, get my new atm card, went to unblock my ez link card, and went to buy a new wallet.
I'm am going to change my blog song! new song now! John Mayer - Waiting On The World To Change. Enjoy..
Today I went to the bank, get my new atm card, went to unblock my ez link card, and went to buy a new wallet.
Okay. My exciting day didn't end after my previous post. haha! Let me say the complete story of my day.
Today is a interesting day!
Today I woke up kinda late and was not able to have breakfast with my dad before going into camp. So head to camp with an empty stomach. Once I reach camp, I get myself updated with the things that are happening, since I'm on leave one monday and tuesday. whahaha... Then I went to Spec Mess to buy breakfast! Noodles, egg, chicken wing and a chicken bun! hehehe. Then military work! Not able to discuss...
Happy Birthday to myself
Feels good today. Woke up, had breakfast, one of my favourite fried wanton noodles. Reached camp early, help the cleaner aunty put some toilet paper in the toilets. Feels good.
Happy new year to all readers. Its been 18 days since I last updated my blog. 2008 was a amazing year.